Microsoft releases an anime to promote Internet Explorer

I admit this news is rather late as the anime was released a week ago, however if you just stumbled upon this then without further ado here is the video:

Unexpectedly, the animation is extremely smooth and fluid, apart from the first 30 seconds where the panning of the camera is somehow very jaggered. The attention to detail this clip, in both textures and sound, are very surprising to see, and is probably on par with something produced from ufotable.

What make this even more impressive is that the clip was produced locally in Singapore, I mean when was the last time you saw an animation from there?

However this isn’t the first time Microsoft used anime mascots, outside of Japan. In 2010 Microsoft Taiwan created a cute little loli called Hikaru Aizawa.

You can read more about it here.

Coppelion: A delay in irony


Whilst “Coppelion” was originally meant to air in 2011, it was unfortunately delayed by the huge Earthquake that struck Japan in that same year. The earthquake cause the meltdown of one of the reactors in Fukushima powerplant, and this lead to a radioactive fallout.

Ironically, this is also the setting of this story.

The anime is set in the year 2016, after the nuclear meltdown which crippled Japan and sending it into a post-apocalyptic state. Twenty years later, the government introduced genetically modified humans who are resistant to high doses of radiation to combat the fallout problem. The team is called Coppelion.

Our story is based on Coppelion’s rescue units, who are Ibara Naruse, Aoi Fukasaku and Taeko Nomura, who has priority to rescue any survivors in the fallout zone.


Hey, at least is still school girls right?

This anime is great as it always audiences to understand how normal people respond and evolve in response to a post-apocalyptic environment with dire consequences. Whilst the character development of “Coppelion” feels long winded and dragged on, the contrast allows us to really appreciate the comfort and benefits we take for granted.

Nuff said..

Nuff said..

Every character possesses unique abilities to combat the problems, however, I feel that the director concentrates too much on how Ibara uses her super-strength to solve the problems on their rescue missions. Im hoping to see other characters abilities develop as the series progresses on.

Its cool and all, but isn't the gun a little old?

Its cool and all, but isn’t the gun a little old?

So far, the animation and OSTs have been great, but the same cannot be said for the storyline, which feels repetitive and boring, as if the episode repeats the same material over and over again.

Why school girls? Oh well I'm not complaining.

Why school girls?
Oh well I’m not complaining.


White Album 2; romance with a twist


In a clichéd world of anime harems and third rate romance stories, White Album 2 is a much needed refresher for the genre. Whilst White Album 1 was a complete disaster with unlikable characters and uninteresting story, WA2 is so far shaping up to be one of the best romance to come around for a while. Love, friendships, betrayal, jealousy, one sided love combined with a host of events that are highly relatable to high school teenagers. I think it is fair to say that there is something here for everyone, and is really able to capture the essence of love and relationships.

We all eventually grow up, but thats not to say grew up without overcoming obstacles and barriers. In my opinion, WA 2 accurately captures all sides of the teenage romance situation. Things rarely workout, and it fundamentally questions the idea that can boys and girls really be true friends, or will it eventually evolve into a love interest just like WA2.


Misunderstandings, jealousy, broken dreams, broke promises

With excellent story-telling and breath-taking soundtracks, White Album 2 does is really setting itself up for one of the best this season. Uncommon for most romance and love series, it genuinely feels that the main character has a goal, and is self-conscious about his situation. For a male lead, he is surprisingly likeable.  Music fans are also in for a treat as this anime has a great OP an ED, as well as great insert songs which i highly enjoy.



The story begins with the simple notion of the last member of the ruined light music club, Harki Kitahara; with the school festival drawing close and all of its members disappearing, he realised that he might not be able to fulfill his musical dream before his graduation in half a year. Picking up his guitar, and to his surprise a flowing notes of piano an angelic voice soon accompanied him, he raced up the roof to find…


There’s just something romantic about singing in the sunset 🙂

Log Horizon, a copy of Sword Art Online? or is a start of a whole new genre?


The introduction of Mazinger Z in 1972 was what created the start of a brand new genre of anime known today as ‘Mecha’. From the first Mobile Suit Gundam anime to the first season of Full Metal Panic, many Mecha themed anime enjoyed considerable success, from both within Japan and worldwide.

However when the first episode of Log Horizon (LH) come out, hoards of user’s on MAL began comparing the series to Sword Art Online. Understandably so as the setting of the two series are remarkably familiar, but this created a question. Is Log Horizon a simply rip off of SAO or is it a start to a new genre of anime? Before I answer that question let’s review the first few episodes of Log Horizon.


Plot: Much like SAO the main characters of the series are stuck in an MMORPG called Elder Tale, when after the recent expansion pack 30,000 Japanese gamers who updated found themselves trapped inside an Elder Tale version of Japan.

The first episode immediately throws us in the heat of the action. With Shiroe desperately selecting through a menu whilst he gets chased by a mob of rat/possum looking creatures. Eventually he casts a spell called ‘Electrical Fuzz!’ which seemingly seems to obliterate the creatures. However it was revealed a second later that the act was meant to light up the area to confirm the creatures they were up against and to also stun them. This scene does a decent job in introducing the strategy minded aspect of the game, something that will be further emphasised in future episodes.


The plot for the past 5 episodes gradually consisted of a search and rescue mission of another loli Serara. Which was nothing really special but it does reveal the strong teamwork, and knowledge between Shiroe, Nyanta and Naotsugu.

Another thing that the series should be praised of is it’s wiliness to explain the mechanics of how the game worked, this really gives the feeling of an RPG game something that SAO really lacked, and is one of the greatest features that this series has to offer.


On episode 6 is where the real plot of series is introduced, with Marielle telling Shiroe the horrible exploitation of the younger players who are forced to give up their ‘EXP pots’, to a guild called Hamelin.

The plot is now starting to show a lot of promise for the future episodes, as the mechanics and settings of the games are now firmly established, and the direction of future episodes are clearly shown.

Characters: The interactions of the two main characters Akatsuki and Naotsugu are possibly the only let-downs of the series. The repetitive and cliched joke of the female hitting the perverted male after he said something grotesque, is a joke used once too many. However given the circumstances after episode 6, it is unlikely that this joke will ever arise again (hopefully).

I guess LH too sufferers from Unnecessary Love Syndrome.

I guess LH too sufferers from Unnecessary Love Syndrome.

For the most part, the main character Shiroe is a very realistic gamer. He is not some OP good-looking teenager who happens to know martial arts, but is more mature and lanker man, with strategy oriented mind-set. Which is great as most ‘pro-gramers’ are a lot like this in real life.

Nyanta is the unexpected bad-ass of the series, his cat face and peculiar low toned accented speech makes him one of the unique characters I have ever seen. His flamboyant suit and tie, brings out a sense of mystery as well as giving an strangely mature presence around him. The fact his HP went down almost 30% during his fight with Demikas, shows that his isn’t some overpowered character, but a rather logical and mature one.

You can't get more classy than Nyanta

You can’t get more classy than Nyanta

The supporting characters play quite a significant role, as they are the catalysts to the ever expanding plot of the series and the ones that Shiroe have to rely on in order to gain more information about the world he is living in. Their natural interactions between the main characters, and especially Akatsuki is always pleasant to see.

Sound: The opening theme was rather unexpected for series like this. Normally you’ll expect pop-rock genre song, but instead you are greeted with a borderline Hard Rock type of a song. Not necessary bad thing, or a good thing either, but it is something I’ll be skipping at the start of each episode. The soundtrack is also nothing worth noting, its action scenes are composed of genetic rock riffs, and the track during the explanations intermissions is just as good as the track commonly heard in Vsauce.

Art and animation: Like the soundtrack it is nothing worth talking about either, no complex lighting is used, and still cuts are used in the climax of the action scenes, which is rather disappointing.

Final thoughts: Log Horizon is definitely the better series of this season, its firmly established plot and relate-able characters gives the whole series a very genuine RPG feel towards it.

As to answer the questions in title. The answers are simply no, and no. This anime is leagues above the incoherent mumblings of SAO. Not only that but it also takes an completely different angle of attack towards the whole trapped in a MMORPG thing. The introduction of flavorless food, and the fact you can respawn in an cathedral, already allows a new direction of social dynamics to take place within the story. Thus LH is definitely not an copy SAO, but simply a anime with similar settings and situation.

As for the second question, the reason why I answered no, is simply because this setting is far too restrictive for the creators to come up with anything unique, or creative, unlike Mecha or school based anime. However I would love to be proven wrong on this subject sometime in the future.

All in all this anime has a very promising start, and definitely has the potential to do very well in upcoming episodes and arc. Highly recommended that you start watching this anime immediately.

Quick start watching Log Horizon before Akatsuki gets raped by pretty dresses. =O

Quick start watching Log Horizon before Akatsuki gets raped by pretty dresses. =O

Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova


Being the dark horse of the season, “Aoki Hagane No Arpeggio: Ars Nova” really surprised us upon the first episode. Never really a fan of Mecha or excessive battle animations, I didn’t look into this until much later into the season. But how glad that I did, as Ars Nova really surprised me with its fluid 3D animations, intriguing and likable characters and a unfolding storyline.



Set in future in an alternate universe, many of Earth’s continents have been severely affected by global warming, forcing numerous humans into the inner regions. Furthermore, the global warming gave rise to a new super-race called the “Fleet of Fog”. Fleet of fog is actually weapon system where they can govern and set rules by themselves. Simply think of Terminator.
The main character (name: Chihaya) is the son of a infamous captain who was believed to have defected to the Fleet of Fogs. His son, shamed by his father’s legacy, now attends an academy where marine combat is being taught to teenagers to combat the possible extinction problem. 7 years later after the war, main character encounter with one of the fog called, I-401. Surprisingly, she was told to become a ship for Chihaya and follow his order, and their journey begins. far, this anime is shaping to become the dark horse of the season, and we strongly would recommend anyone who hasn’t picked it up to give it a shot
P.s. There is a Tsundere Cruiser in this anime




Welcome to Lucid Horizon!

This blog is dedicated to anyone, who has interest in anime or Japanese anime cultures. 

Currently, we are group of college students join together to give our thoughts on different anime series to give you our honest opinions regarding the series. We will try to give updated reviews on the latest anime series.


Welcome to Lucid Horizon!